Money makes the world go 'round, right?
What if the world went around only for the corporations that paid workers just wages? That supported unions? That took a stand against child labor? That refused to lobby government officials for their own gains?
What if every piece of food that entered your body was free from harmful pesticides and antibiotics that creates unmanageable species of bacterial infections? What if every banana you ate was collected by a worker that had enough wages to feed his family by working to feed yours?
What if you invested only in companies that had social and environmental sustainability as the forefront of their goals? What if the money in your mutual fund never got pocketed by Phillip Morris or Exxon Mobile, and instead went to breaking cycles of poverty in your local urban community?
I bring this up to charge myself: Where am I spending my money? And just like a vote in the mid-term elections, you vote for the way you want to see the world work when you take out your wallet. What will you vote for?
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